Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Faint of a Woman

Morning Drama (True Story)

A life in need of intervention flashes right before me in more ways than anyone could perceive when an event unfolds right before my very eyes. It was an innocent Tuesday, first day of this particular work week. Relieve of feeling the Monday blues, a day after a welcomed long weekend break extended by Vesak Day. I awoke to the tune of "4 Minutes" by Madonna as my alarm clock, feeling tired and yearning for more sleep. The routine of a quick bathe, change of clothes and sculpting my hair went without much fuss. Jackie, the family Jack Russell Terrier looks at me and prepares his morning ritual of stopping me at the door. He always barks and tries to get a grip of my jeans when I leave for work.

The time was 7:45am when I left home with the mandarin (Ch 8) version of "Good Morning, Singapore" playing on the TV in the background. Plugged into Class 95FM and off I go, in the direction of Clementi MRT for my 50 minutes ride to Expo station. The rush hour traffic was at its usual squeeze-ness. Head on to my favoured entry points on the second carriage from the head of the train and waited patiently. It duly arrived in a minute’s time. Got on the train with someone backing into my bum and I returned a bump of my own. Sardines are never packed so tightly like this, bumper to bumper, good thing I got my head above most people and a gush of air conditioned breeze engulfed my face. Dover station was a welcome sight as streams of Singapore Polytechnic students started to alight and I tussle through to the crowd for a prized piece of real estate near the train doors, big enough for me to be hang loose. There was this woman (I shall name her Miss X), who was in a white shirt with coloured strips and wearing a tight (So tight, it was virtually sprayed on) above knee length skirt, scuttle across me, beating me to the corner void beside the train door. She was on talking on the mobile phone. Little do she, I and everyone else know of the drama that was to play out before us?

In my ears was the Flying Dutchman talking about a disco place in Singapore where he can go to regularly and have his dancing fix in the disco era. Miss X, next to me, proceeded to whip out the newspaper and read it. Soon, we went underground after Redhill onwards to Tiong Bahru, I changed my phone settings to walkman and Chris Brown’s "With You" was playing. Before I know, it was Outram Park and it was then a spiral turn of events lay bare. Miss X slump her back onto train’s shiny interior and a small ‘bump’ caught my attention. My eyes met the commuter who was seated in the corner seat with a glass separator, we looked at each other for 3 seconds as if to say "What’s wrong with her?" Then it was all a blur, Miss X fell sideways, right in front of me from 12 o’clock position to 3 o’clock. A thud reverberates through my earphones while her body shaken and her hands were trembling. There were some screams, some ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhhs’. A petite lady standing next to her let out a shriek like a falling tree was collapsing on her. I stood shocked for 2 seconds before kneeling down to held her head up with the rest of her body and said "Are you ok?" She said "Did I just fainted?" The knock to her head was more devastating than earlier thought, I didn’t want to laugh, so I kept quiet.

All this commotion has brought the attention of everyone in the train carriage, it was like the National Day parade, a lot of jaw-dropping and silence. A dude behind me was the parade commander shouted for every person to move back and give her some room to breathe. Its was sigh to behold, Singaporeans so obediently taking a few steps back, only if the train was so spacious everyday. It was a defining moment when I uttered these words "Is there a doctor or a nurse here?" Never had so many fellow travellers listened so intently to me and the dude behind me, clasp his hands into a cone and repeated my exact words. It resonated throughout the train like an echo through the mountains of the Alps. Sadly there was no response from the stunned crowd. (I swear everyone had a "What the F**k" look on them)

Another one of the passenger passed me some medicated oil but I don’t really think she needs it. So I passed it on to the petite lady next to me. During these tense moments, someone had the presence of mind to hit the ‘emergency’ button and the train came to an absolute halt. I took her by the armpits and wrestled her up to her feet. Holding onto her arm, brought her out of the train and onto a seat. I wanted to add at this point, two uniformed SMRT staff, a male and female went by me in search of the depressed emergency button but failed to notice Miss X and me, in need of help. I asked her again if she is alright, she nodded and asked me go on and continue my ride. She looked absolutely embarrassed and almost red-faced by my loving attention.

The SMRT staff finally came to her aid and I stroll on back to the scene of the drama and carry on like nothing has happened. Some of the other passengers took a glance at me but alas, no applause…… I felt great, for I had done something good and now, a firm believer of Ah Juan (I am a convert!), who had a similar experience. It really DOES bloody happen!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Movie Review

“Made of Honor”

Tom Bailey is wealthy, inventor of the “coffee collar”, the man among his guy friends and a swinging bachelor with handsome good looks. He has no problems meeting women and sleeping with a different lady every week, governed by a set of rules which dictates he cannot sleep with the same woman on consecutive weeknights. He met his best friend Hannah (Michelle Monaghan) through a case of mistaken identity while jumping into her bed instead of his intended love tryst. When Hannah goes to Scotland on a business trip for six weeks, Tom realizes he feels empty without her and decides to tell Hannah his feelings and ask her to be with him when she returns.

But events turn against him when Colin McMurray, a Duke and rich Scotsman sweeps Hannah off her feet and asks for her hand in marriage. His worst fear unfolds in front of him, Tom must now witness her unquestioned happiness up close and personal because she's chosen him to be her ‘Maid Of Honor’ and he agrees so he can try to win Hannah back and stop the wedding. Throughout the movie he made feeble attempts such as ruining her bridal shower playing bag pipes and serving pig lungs (Haggis) saying she should get used to it because of their popularity in Scotland. He also has to deal with others less tolerable such as Hannah's cousin Melissa who wanted to be her maid of honor since childhood and had her heart broken by Tom, like many other girls.

The bridesmaids and the bride went on a Scottish tradition called “Selling of Kisses” for change in a local pub and there, our love birds shared a deep, passionate kiss of epic proportion. It set off questions of their friendship and could there be love brewing all this while. Tom leaves the castle when he feels it was a lost cause to win Hannah back. But he was reminded, just in time by a border collie to rush off in the direction of the church. In the end Hannah realizes that Tom is the man of her dreams and leaves Colin at the altar in order to get married to Tom.

Somehow, this movie might be interpreted as the male version of “My Best Friend’s Wedding” but with a reunited ending to set things right. I loved the charming interaction of Tom and Hannah especially when they were at his Father’s wedding and enjoying a day in town, queuing for cake. The movie is thoroughly enjoying without being overbearing. Ratings are 3 out of 5.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Movie Review

"The Bucket List"

The Bucket List brings together two actors (Nicholson and Freeman) who had made countless number of movies, living legends of their time, on the big screens for the first time. Directed by Rob Reiner, the story follows two terminally ill men embarking on a final road trip with a list of things to do before they die. They gamely shaved their heads for the movie.
Blue-collar mechanic Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman) and billionaire hospital magnate Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson) meet for the first time in the hospital room. They become reluctant friends at first as they undergo respective chemo treatments for cancer. Carter is a gifted amateur historian, answers questions on ‘Jeopardy’ with absolute ease and family man who had dreams of becoming a history professor. A dilemma in his youth, simply put "broke, black, and with a baby on the way" did not pave the way for his ambitions and he stuck to his job at McCreath body shop ever since. Cole, on the other hand, is a corporate tycoon cum eccentric loner, who enjoys nothing more than tormenting his personal servant, Matthew whom he calls Thomas (Sean Hayes).
When both are diagnosed with terminal cancer, Carter begins scribbling a "bucket list," or things to do before "he kicks the bucket." After hearing he has less than a year to live, Carter wads it up and tosses it on the floor. Cole finds it and pushes Carter over the edge by suggesting things like seeing the world, sky diving, "fun things" with an unlimited budget as he is very wealthy. Despite the protests of his wife, Virginia (Beverly Todd), Carter eagerly agrees to it. The pair then set off in an around-the-world vacation, embarking on race car driving, sky diving, climbing the Giza Pyramids and going on lion safari in Africa. Along the way they discuss faith and family, we learnt that Carter has long been feeling less in love with his wife and Cole is deeply hurt by his estrangement with his only daughter, who disowned him after he "took care" of her abusive husband.

The Bucket List
1. Witness something truly majestic
2. Help a complete stranger for a common good
3. Laugh till I cry
4. Drive a Shelby mustang
5. Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world
6. Get a tattoo
7. Skydiving
8. See the pyramids
9. Get back in touch with (daughter)

Cole sneakily hires a prostitute for Carter, who has never had sex with another woman than his wife but when Carter realizes it, declines. He finds that the love he had for his wife is still strong and asked to return home. In gratitude for helping him, he tries to reunite Cole with his daughter but Cole angrily storms off. Carter blissfully returns home as a new man to his wife, children, and grandchildren. However, the family reunion was short-lived as Carter suffered a relapse and is rushed back to the hospital. The cancer has spread to his brain and he needs surgery. Cole visits him there and they share an important moment together where Carter reveals the origin of Kopi Luwak. They share a good laugh and Carter crosses off "laugh till I cry" and insists Cole finish the list without him. Carter dies on the operating table. When Cole delivers a eulogy at his funeral (I cried), he finally found the strength to face his daughter. Much to his surprise and joy, she not only accepts him back into her life but she also introduces him to the grand-daughter he never knew he had and he crosses "kiss the most beautiful girl in the world" off the list.
Cole goes on to live till a ripe old age of 81 years old. When he finally passes away, he has his ashes placed inside a Chock Full o' Nuts coffee can, alongside Carter, on the top of Mount Everest which Carter mentions that Cole would have liked, as it was against the law. When Matthew completes this, he crosses off the last item on the Bucket List (witness something truly majestic) and places the list with them, closed the small black box and reburies it in the snow.
The story is moving and opens you into the inner-most thoughts of the terminally ill. Watching these two great actors deliver their lines at the highest level of their craft is nothing short amazing, leaving me breathless and in awe. Ratings in this case is useless, just go watch it and really feel it!


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